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Françoise Hardy

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Françoise Hardy

Françoise Hardy is a French singer, actress and model. As a celebrity in various fields, she has been an icon in France.

Early life[change | change source]

Hardy was born on 17 January 1944 in Paris and grew up in a relatively poor family. From her childhood, she was so interested in literature that she was attracted to Simone de Beauvoir and Albert Camus. She received a guitar from her father as a present for her passing baccalaureat at 16. It caused her to get interested in Chanson. Hardy mastered guitar by herself and showed an interest in composing chanson. Trying to be a singer was hard, she failed many times. After entering the University of Sorbonne in Paris, she kept studying a chanson in Petit conservatoire de la chanson, a chanson school founded by Mireille who was a famous singer at that time.
Soon, she contracted with the record label Vogue in November 1961.

Success[change | change source]

In June 1962, she made a great debut with her famous chanson Tous les garçons et les filles which became a hit all over Europe at her age of 18. The song made the wave of Yé-yé music in France with two million sales. It was when another famous song Comment te dire adieu appeared that Hardy estalished her as a singer in 1968. The song received a favorable review from many critics who were indifferent to young singers without precedent. Since then, she has been a cultural iconic figure in France. All of almost her songs were self written, and they have been translated into English, Spanish, Italian and German.
As an actress, she appeared in many films - Château en Suède (1963), Une balle au cœur (1965), What’s new pussycat? (1966) Masculin- Féminin (1966) and Grand prix (1967)

She has a son, Thomas Dutronc in 1973 and married his father Jacques Dutronc. Now, they remain married but are separated.